The Benefits of Linking

PAG’s intelligent linking battery technology enables you to link batteries and discharge them simultaneously. Instead of leaving your spare battery in the camera bag, start your day’s shooting with two, fully-charged batteries on your camera and experience a variety of benefits that include:

  • Longer run-time with fewer battery changes.
  • More power for accessories.
  • Continuous power through hot-swapping.
  • The ability to add another battery to stay powered-up.
  • Stacked battery charging.

Combine Capacities for Longer Run-Time

Linking 2 batteries combines their capacities into one large power source that you can unlink when you travel by air. Individual Li-Ion batteries that have capacities greater than 160Wh are not permitted on passenger aircraft.

Shooting with 2 fully charged, linked batteries doubles your run-time and means fewer battery changes.

Higher Current Draw

Using 2 fully charged batteries enables a higher current-draw of up to 12A, ideal for a camera and multiple accessories. Sharing the current load extends overall battery life and provides a better return on investment.

Batteries that have different rated capacities can be linked, for example, a 99Wh battery and a 50Wh battery.

“Once you’ve linked batteries for charging or extra run-time, you’ll never want to go back”

Adrian Weinbrecht, DoP, My Perfect Cousin

Intelligent Power Delivery

Fully charged batteries discharge simultaneously and share the current demand. This is what we mean by intelligent linking. The rear battery does not discharge first, and it does not discharge into the front battery. Both batteries are delivering power, so there is no dead weight on the camera.


The rear battery can be swapped for another, without disconnecting the power to the camera. Batteries can be linked regardless of their rated capacity or state of charge.

Current delivery will remain at 10A while there is a large difference in individual battery SoC (>20%), and the most charged battery will be prioritised to deliver power. When the batteries are within 20% SoC they will start to discharge simultaneously, and it will be possible to draw up to 12A.

PAGlink 'Parallel' Linking

When 2 standard 99Wh Mini PAGlink batteries are linked, their capacities are combined. This is called linking batteries in ‘parallel’. It doubles the number of Watt-hours that can be delivered to 198Wh, which doubles the camera run-time.

The voltage output remains at 14.8V, the nominal value of an individual battery, and is suitable for cameras of that voltage. The current that can be drawn increases from 10A to 12A, because both batteries can deliver current at the same time.

Cinergy ‘Series’ Linking

When an MPL99 Cinergy Battery is linked with any other MPL99 battery, and it is connected to a mount that has the Cinergy barcode label, the batteries’ voltages are combined. This is called linking batteries in ‘series’. It doubles the voltage output from 14.8V to 29.6V (nominal), and is suitable for cameras that require a higher voltage, such as the Arri Alexa 35.

The number of Watt-hours that can be delivered remains at 99Wh, the current that can be drawn remains at 10A, and the run-time is equivalent to one 99Wh battery discharged at 14.8V.

Stacked Charging

At the end of a day’s shoot, you can stack your PAGlink batteries on the charger and leave them to fully-charge overnight – no more midnight battery swapping!

PAGlink batteries of any rated capacity can be stacked together for charging. Up to 10 Mini PAGlink batteries can be stacked on each position. The most discharged batteries will receive charge first, until all the batteries are within 20% SoC, when they will be charged simultaneously.

You no longer need to travel with bulky, 4-channel chargers, when you can charge 4 linked batteries or more using a 2-channel charger or a pocket-sized travel charger.


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